Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Tribute to Big 12 Fanbases, Part III: Missouri

(***Note: If you don't know the premise for this, check out this post. Basically, I found myself making fun of Oklahoma fans for getting married in a Wal-Mart, and realized I should be equal opportunity about running down Big 12 fanbases/programs. And yes, I will include K-State.***)

As we work our way south through the Big 12 fanbase roster, the next stop must be CoMo, or Columbia, Mo. I've only been to one Big 12 game in Columbia, and that was the K-State-MU basketball game in 2004. The first, last, and primary thing I will remember about that trip were my MU friends' first warning to me upon entering the old Hearnes Center...

Watch out for the Antlers.

I'll give the Antlers a little credit. They're organized, which is more than you can say for most student fan groups. Unfortunately, organization combined with college creativity, a herd-behavior mindset, and (I suspect) a whole lot of beer doesn't always lead to desirous results.

Sorry for making you watch that.

Despite occasionally humorous pranks (such as the "car wreck" after Billy Tubbs' jogging incident), the Antlers are more known for cheap shots and baiting. I suppose some would say "That was pretty brave to repeat all that stuff to the players." Umm, not really. Do you really think the basketball coaches of a Baptist university that has recently been through a major scandal were going to let their players beat up some redneck from Missouri?

What's more...you're shit-talking on Baylor?! Isn't that kind of like telling your little brother you're going to beat him up? I guess Mizzou hasn't had a lot to cheer about in basketball recently so maybe they'll take what they can get.

Mizzou is backed by some of the richest people in America. In proving that the rich are just as prone to dumb ideas as anyone else, the current Mizzou Arena was supposed to be named after Paige Laurie, an heiress to the Walton fortune. I hate the corporate naming of stadiums and arenas, but naming a basketball arena after a 22-year-old girl has to be one of the most cosmically stupid ideas ever. And boy did Mizzou ever have shit on its face when it found out Paige paid her roommate to do her homework at USC. I imagine the feeling was something like this...

So good luck Mizzou fan. I'm actually kind of cheering for you this year, I picked you to win the North in football, but that might be the kiss of death for your chances. But fear not, Tigger fans, it can't get worse than this...

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